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公司拥有专业的空分设计和空分工程总承包技术人员队伍,具有独立的流程计算、项目设计、单元设计、项目总承包的产品设计能力。公司制造基地于2009年搬迁至新厂区,占地面积40.34亩。结合搬迁,引进并建立专业的制造工装模具和设备,具有两万空分等级以下制造能力。公司推行国际化的管理理念,并取得了国际认证机构挪威船级社(DET NORSKE VERITAS)认证的ISO9001ISO14001OHSAS18001管理体系认证证书。同时取得了压力容器制造D1,D2类制造许可证证书,具备完善的中、小型空分专业制造资质。


Brief Introduction of Hangzhou Hangyang Cryogenic Liquefy Equipment Co., LtdHangzhou Hangyang Cryogenic Liquefy equipment Co., Ltd. Is jointly invested by Hangzhou Hangyang Co., Ltd. and Huada International Investment Co., Ltd(HongKong) and is established based on the former Small Air Separation Plant Company of Hangzhou Hangyang Co.,Ltd.. The company is a joint venture and Hang zhou Hangyang Co.,Ltd. The company is a joint venture and Hangzhou Hangyang Co., Ltd. is its holding company. It is the main design, research and manufacturing base of the medium/small size air separation plants and liquefaction plants in China. Relying on the management philosophy as well as the design and manufacturing experience of Hang yang for tens of years and taking the principle of “innovation is the essence,quality is the life,faith is the tenet,benefit is the target”,the company integrates the research and development, manufacturing and sales to provide the quality services, such as the technical consultation, proposal comparison,design and manufacturing, engineering design, installation and commissioning as well as the supply of the spare parts and long term technical support, etc..
The company mainly designs and manufactures the medium and small size oxygen nitrogen plants, liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen plants, oxygen and nitrogen liquefaction plants, high purity nitrogen generators and molecular sieve pressure swing adsorption plants. The products of the company cover the fields of metallurgy, petrochemical industry, electronics, machinery, construction material, military product, which have been well received all over the country and also been supplied to many Asian, African and European countries.
During the cooperation with the large multinational gas company, the R&D and manufacturing capability of the company is enhanced and the development is oriented to the variety, perfection and large scale of the products. The company shall introduce the advanced design philosophy from the foreign companies during the integration into the international market, take the strict management procedure and the outstanding production technique and give the enthusiastic service support so as to provide the high-class products to the customers.
Sincerely welcome your contact and visit to the company.





电话: 0571—85869418
传真: 0571-85869400
联系人: 吴卫民
地址: 杭州市中山北路592号弘元大厦

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