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  Hangzhou Hua sheng Heat Exchanger Factory was founded in 1993.It is a business entity which takes development,designing and manufacturing of the main components associated with air separation plants of large,medium and small scale as its main business.It is capable of offering services such as installation,commissioning,maintenance and technical consultation of products etc.The factory has a powerful technical team,consisting of one senior engineer with professor title,two senior engineers,two senior technicians.The factory takes human source as dominant foundation sets technology,quality and service as leading factor and regards senior technical personnel as core to put emphasis on various links such as product development,technical renovation,production organization,quality control,trade and marketing and after-sale service etc.As a result,the products made by our factory can ensure the following four features,i.e. advanced technical data,novel structure,reliable quality and smooth operation. Consequently the products have enjoyed high reputation among the customers.
    The aim of the factory is putting quality first,reputation first and customers above everything.The factory regards the customers' desirable needs as its urgent task and takes an active part in providing quality and inexpensive products which have superiority in price over the similar products in domestic market and affords the customers help to remove worries and tackle difficult problems.
We warmly welcome the customers from various parts of the country and the friends of various circles to send letters or to come to visit our factory for business negotiation and orders.We'll offer you service in a warmhearted way so that you'll come with pleasure and return with satisfaction.

业务联系人:赵旭辉 0571-88634918   88634917 手机:13819142100





电话: 0519-87368268 87368286
传真: 0519-87368287
联系人: 赵旭辉
地址: 江苏溧阳埭头工业开发区云龙路2号

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